Source code for sublime_music.config

import logging
import os
import pickle
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Type, Union

import dataclasses_json
from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin, config

from .adapters import ConfigurationStore
from .ui.state import UIState

# JSON decoder and encoder translations
[docs]def encode_path(path: Path) -> str: return str(path.resolve())
dataclasses_json.cfg.global_config.decoders[Path] = Path dataclasses_json.cfg.global_config.decoders[Optional[Path]] = ( # type: ignore lambda p: Path(p) if p else None ) dataclasses_json.cfg.global_config.encoders[Path] = encode_path dataclasses_json.cfg.global_config.encoders[Optional[Path]] = encode_path # type: ignore
[docs]@dataclass class ProviderConfiguration: id: str name: str ground_truth_adapter_type: Type ground_truth_adapter_config: ConfigurationStore caching_adapter_type: Optional[Type] = None caching_adapter_config: Optional[ConfigurationStore] = None
[docs] def migrate(self): self.ground_truth_adapter_type.migrate_configuration(self.ground_truth_adapter_config) if self.caching_adapter_type: self.caching_adapter_type.migrate_configuration(self.caching_adapter_config)
[docs] def clone(self) -> "ProviderConfiguration": return ProviderConfiguration(,, self.ground_truth_adapter_type, self.ground_truth_adapter_config.clone(), self.caching_adapter_type, (self.caching_adapter_config.clone() if self.caching_adapter_config else None), )
[docs] def persist_secrets(self): self.ground_truth_adapter_config.persist_secrets() if self.caching_adapter_config: self.caching_adapter_config.persist_secrets()
[docs] def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def get_typename(key: str) -> Optional[str]: key += "_type" if isinstance(self, dict): return type_.__name__ if (type_ := self.get(key)) else None else: return type_.__name__ if (type_ := getattr(self, key)) else None return { "id":, "name":, "ground_truth_adapter_type": get_typename("ground_truth_adapter"), "ground_truth_adapter_config": dict(self.ground_truth_adapter_config), "caching_adapter_type": get_typename("caching_adapter"), "caching_adapter_config": dict(self.caching_adapter_config or {}), }
[docs]def encode_providers( providers_dict: Dict[str, Union[ProviderConfiguration, Dict[str, Any]]] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: return { id_: ( config if isinstance(config, ProviderConfiguration) else ProviderConfiguration(**config) ).asdict() for id_, config in providers_dict.items() }
[docs]def decode_providers( providers_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Dict[str, ProviderConfiguration]: from sublime_music.adapters import AdapterManager def find_adapter_type(type_name: str) -> Type: for available_adapter in AdapterManager.available_adapters: if available_adapter.__name__ == type_name: return available_adapter raise Exception(f"Couldn't find adapter of type {type_name}") return { id_: ProviderConfiguration( config["id"], config["name"], ground_truth_adapter_type=find_adapter_type(config["ground_truth_adapter_type"]), ground_truth_adapter_config=ConfigurationStore( **config["ground_truth_adapter_config"] ), caching_adapter_type=( find_adapter_type(cat) if (cat := config.get("caching_adapter_type")) else None ), caching_adapter_config=( ConfigurationStore(**(config.get("caching_adapter_config") or {})) ), ) for id_, config in providers_dict.items() }
[docs]@dataclass class AppConfiguration(DataClassJsonMixin): version: int = 5 cache_location: Optional[Path] = None filename: Optional[Path] = None # Providers providers: Dict[str, ProviderConfiguration] = field( default_factory=dict, metadata=config(encoder=encode_providers, decoder=decode_providers), ) current_provider_id: Optional[str] = None _loaded_provider_id: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) # Players player_config: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=dict) # Global Settings song_play_notification: bool = True offline_mode: bool = False allow_song_downloads: bool = True download_on_stream: bool = True # also download when streaming a song prefetch_amount: int = 3 concurrent_download_limit: int = 5 # Deprecated. These have also been renamed to avoid using them elsewhere in the app. _sol: bool = field(default=True, metadata=config(field_name="serve_over_lan")) _pn: int = field(default=8282, metadata=config(field_name="port_number")) _rg: int = field(default=0, metadata=config(field_name="replay_gain"))
[docs] @staticmethod def load_from_file(filename: Path) -> "AppConfiguration": config = AppConfiguration() try: if filename.exists(): with open(filename, "r") as f: config = AppConfiguration.from_json( except Exception: pass config.filename = filename return config
def __post_init__(self): # Default the cache_location to ~/.local/share/sublime-music if not self.cache_location: path = Path(os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME") or "~/.local/share") path = path.expanduser().joinpath("sublime-music").resolve() self.cache_location = path self._state = None self._loaded_provider_id = None self.migrate()
[docs] def migrate(self): for _, provider in self.providers.items(): provider.migrate() if self.version < 6: self.player_config = { "Local Playback": {"Replay Gain": ["no", "track", "album"][self._rg]}, "Chromecast": { "Serve Local Files to Chromecasts on the LAN": self._sol, "LAN Server Port Number": self._pn, }, } self.version = 6 self.state.migrate()
@property def provider(self) -> Optional[ProviderConfiguration]: return self.providers.get(self.current_provider_id or "") @property def state(self) -> UIState: if not (provider := self.provider): return UIState() # If the provider has changed, then retrieve the new provider's state. if self._loaded_provider_id != self.load_state() assert self._state return self._state
[docs] def load_state(self): self._state = UIState() if not (provider := self.provider): return self._loaded_provider_id = if (state_filename := self._state_file_location) and state_filename.exists(): try: with open(state_filename, "rb") as f: self._state = pickle.load(f) except Exception: logging.exception(f"Couldn't load state from {state_filename}") # Just ignore any errors, it is only UI state. self._state = UIState() self._state.__init_available_players__()
@property def _state_file_location(self) -> Optional[Path]: if not (provider := self.provider): return None assert self.cache_location return self.cache_location.joinpath(, "state.pickle")
[docs] def save(self): assert self.filename # Save the config as YAML. self.filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) json = self.to_json(indent=2, sort_keys=True) with open(self.filename, "w+") as f: f.write(json) # Save the state for the current provider. if state_filename := self._state_file_location: state_filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(state_filename, "wb+") as f: pickle.dump(self.state, f)