Source code for sublime_music.adapters.subsonic.adapter

import hashlib
import json
import logging
import math
import multiprocessing
import os
import pickle
import random
import string
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union, cast
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse

import requests
import semver
from gi.repository import Gtk

from sublime_music.util import resolve_path

from .. import (
    api_objects as API,
from .api_objects import Directory, Response

    import gi

    gi.require_version("NM", "1.0")
    from gi.repository import NM

    networkmanager_imported = True
except Exception:
    # I really don't care what kind of exception it is, all that matters is the
    # import failed for some reason.
    networkmanager_imported = False

REQUEST_DELAY: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None
if delay_str := os.environ.get("REQUEST_DELAY"):
    if "," in delay_str:
        high, low = map(float, delay_str.split(","))
        REQUEST_DELAY = (high, low)
        REQUEST_DELAY = (float(delay_str), float(delay_str))

if always_error := os.environ.get("NETWORK_ALWAYS_ERROR"):

[docs]class ServerError(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, status_code: int, message: str): self.status_code = status_code super().__init__(message)
[docs]class SubsonicAdapter(Adapter): """ Defines an adapter which retrieves its data from a Subsonic server """ # Configuration and Initialization Properties # ==================================================================================
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ui_info() -> UIInfo: return UIInfo( name="Subsonic", description="Connect to a Subsonic-compatible server", icon_basename="subsonic", icon_dir=resolve_path("adapters/subsonic/icons"), )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_configuration_form(config_store: ConfigurationStore) -> Gtk.Box: configs = { "server_address": ConfigParamDescriptor(str, "Server Address"), "username": ConfigParamDescriptor(str, "Username"), "password": ConfigParamDescriptor("password", "Password"), "verify_cert": ConfigParamDescriptor( bool, "Verify Certificate", default=True, advanced=True, helptext="Whether or not to verify the SSL certificate of the server.", ), "sync_enabled": ConfigParamDescriptor( bool, "Sync Play Queue", default=True, advanced=True, helptext="If toggled, Sublime Music will periodically save the play " "queue state so that you can resume on other devices.", ), "salt_auth": ConfigParamDescriptor( bool, "Use Salt Authentication", default=True, advanced=True, helptext="If toggled, Sublime Music will use salted hash tokens " "instead of the plain password in the request urls (only supported on " "Subsonic API 1.13.0+)", ), } if networkmanager_imported: configs.update( { "local_network_ssid": ConfigParamDescriptor( str, "Local Network SSID", advanced=True, required=False, helptext="If Sublime Music is connected to the given SSID, the " "Local Network Address will be used instead of the Server " "address when making network requests.", ), "local_network_address": ConfigParamDescriptor( str, "Local Network Address", advanced=True, required=False, helptext="If Sublime Music is connected to the given Local " "Network SSID, this URL will be used instead of the Server " "address when making network requests.", ), } ) def verify_configuration() -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: errors: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {} with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir_name: try: tmp_adapter = SubsonicAdapter(config_store, Path(tmp_dir_name)) tmp_adapter._get_json( tmp_adapter._make_url("ping"), timeout=2, is_exponential_backoff_ping=True, ) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: errors["__ping__"] = ( "<b>Error connecting to the server.</b>\n" "An SSL error occurred while connecting to the server.\n" "You may need to explicitly specify http://." ) except requests.ConnectionError: errors["__ping__"] = ( "<b>Unable to connect to the server.</b>\n" "Double check the server address." ) except ServerError as e: if e.status_code in (10, 40, 41) and config_store["salt_auth"]: # status code 10: if salt auth is not enabled, server will # return error server error with status_code 10 since it'll # interpret it as a missing (password) parameter # status code 41: returned by ampache # status code 41: as per subsonic api docs, description of # status_code 41 is "Token authentication not supported for # LDAP users." so fall back to password auth try: config_store["salt_auth"] = False tmp_adapter = SubsonicAdapter(config_store, Path(tmp_dir_name)) tmp_adapter._get_json( tmp_adapter._make_url("ping"), timeout=2, is_exponential_backoff_ping=True, ) logging.warn( "Salted auth not supported, falling back to regular " "password auth" ) except ServerError as retry_e: config_store["salt_auth"] = True errors["__ping__"] = ( "<b>Error connecting to the server.</b>\n" f"Error {retry_e.status_code}: {str(retry_e)}" ) else: errors["__ping__"] = ( "<b>Error connecting to the server.</b>\n" f"Error {e.status_code}: {str(e)}" ) except Exception as e: errors["__ping__"] = str(e) return errors return ConfigureServerForm(config_store, configs, verify_configuration)
[docs] @staticmethod def migrate_configuration(config_store: ConfigurationStore): if "salt_auth" not in config_store: config_store["salt_auth"] = True
[docs] def __init__(self, config: ConfigurationStore, data_directory: Path): self.data_directory = data_directory self.ignored_articles_cache_file = self.data_directory.joinpath("ignored_articles.pickle") self.hostname = config["server_address"] if ( (ssid := config.get("local_network_ssid")) and (lan_address := config.get("local_network_address")) and networkmanager_imported ): networkmanager_client = # Only look at the active WiFi connections. for ac in networkmanager_client.get_active_connections(): if ac.get_connection_type() != "802-11-wireless": continue devs = ac.get_devices() if len(devs) != 1: continue if devs[0].get_device_type() != NM.DeviceType.WIFI: continue # If connected to the Local Network SSID, then change the hostname to # the Local Network Address. if ssid == ac.get_id(): self.hostname = lan_address break parsed_hostname = urlparse(self.hostname) if not parsed_hostname.scheme: self.hostname = "https://" + self.hostname self.username = config["username"] self.password = cast(str, config.get_secret("password")) self.verify_cert = config["verify_cert"] self.use_salt_auth = config["salt_auth"] self.is_shutting_down = False self._ping_process: Optional[multiprocessing.Process] = None self._version = multiprocessing.Array("c", 20) self._offline_mode = False
# TODO (#112): support XML?
[docs] def initial_sync(self): # Try to ping the server five times using exponential backoff (2^5 = 32s). self._exponential_backoff(5)
[docs] def shutdown(self): if self._ping_process: self._ping_process.terminate()
# Availability Properties # ================================================================================== _server_available = multiprocessing.Value("b", False) _last_ping_timestamp = multiprocessing.Value("d", 0.0) def _exponential_backoff(self, n: int):"Starting Exponential Backoff: n={n}") if self._ping_process: self._ping_process.terminate() self._ping_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._check_ping_thread, args=(n,)) self._ping_process.start() def _check_ping_thread(self, n: int): i = 0 while ( i < n and not self._offline_mode # typing doesn't support multiprocessing.Value very well and not self._server_available.value # type: ignore ): try: self._set_ping_status(timeout=2 * (i + 1)) except Exception: pass sleep(2**i) i += 1 def _set_ping_status(self, timeout: int = 2):"SET PING STATUS timeout={timeout}") now = # typing doesn't support multiprocessing.Value very well if now - self._last_ping_timestamp.value < 15: # type: ignore return # Try to ping the server. self._get_json( self._make_url("ping"), timeout=timeout, is_exponential_backoff_ping=True, )
[docs] def on_offline_mode_change(self, offline_mode: bool): self._offline_mode = offline_mode
@property def ping_status(self) -> bool: # typing doesn't support multiprocessing.Value very well return self._server_available.value # type: ignore can_create_playlist = True can_delete_playlist = True can_get_album = True can_get_albums = True can_get_artist = True can_get_artists = True can_get_cover_art_uri = True can_get_directory = True can_get_ignored_articles = True can_get_playlist_details = True can_get_playlists = True can_get_song_details = True can_get_song_file_uri = True can_get_song_stream_uri = True can_get_song_rating = True can_scrobble_song = True can_search = True can_stream = True can_update_playlist = True
[docs] def version_at_least(self, version: str) -> bool: # typing doesn't support multiprocessing.Value very well if v := self._version.value: # type: ignore return semver.VersionInfo.parse(v.decode()) >= version return False
@property def can_get_genres(self) -> bool: return self.version_at_least("1.9.0") @property def can_get_play_queue(self) -> bool: return self.version_at_least("1.12.0") @property def can_save_play_queue(self) -> bool: return self.version_at_least("1.12.0") @property def can_set_song_rating(self) -> bool: return self.version_at_least("1.6.0") _schemes = None @property def supported_schemes(self) -> Iterable[str]: if not self._schemes: self._schemes = (urlparse(self.hostname)[0],) return self._schemes @property def supported_artist_query_types(self) -> Set[AlbumSearchQuery.Type]: supported = { AlbumSearchQuery.Type.RANDOM, AlbumSearchQuery.Type.NEWEST, AlbumSearchQuery.Type.FREQUENT, AlbumSearchQuery.Type.RECENT, AlbumSearchQuery.Type.STARRED, AlbumSearchQuery.Type.ALPHABETICAL_BY_NAME, AlbumSearchQuery.Type.ALPHABETICAL_BY_ARTIST, } if self.version_at_least("1.10.1"): supported.add(AlbumSearchQuery.Type.YEAR_RANGE) supported.add(AlbumSearchQuery.Type.GENRE) return supported # Helper mothods for making requests # ================================================================================== def _get_params(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Gets the parameters that are needed for all requests to the Subsonic API. See Subsonic API Introduction for details. """ params = { "u": self.username, "c": "Sublime Music", "f": "json", # typing doesn't support multiprocessing.Value very well "v": self._version.value.decode() or "1.8.0", # type: ignore } if self.use_salt_auth: salt, token = self._generate_auth_token() params["s"] = salt params["t"] = token else: params["p"] = self.password return params def _generate_auth_token(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Generates the necessary authentication data to call the Subsonic API See the Authentication section of for more information """ salt = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=8)) token = hashlib.md5(f"{self.password}{salt}".encode()).hexdigest() return (salt, token) def _make_url(self, endpoint: str) -> str: return f"{self.hostname}/rest/{endpoint}.view" # TODO (#196) figure out some way of rate limiting requests. They often come in too # fast. def _get( self, url: str, timeout: Union[float, Tuple[float, float], None] = None, is_exponential_backoff_ping: bool = False, **params, ) -> Any: params = {**self._get_params(), **params}"[START] get: {url}") try: if REQUEST_DELAY is not None: delay = random.uniform(*REQUEST_DELAY)"REQUEST_DELAY enabled. Pausing for {delay} seconds") sleep(delay) if timeout: if type(timeout) == tuple: if delay > cast(Tuple[float, float], timeout)[0]: raise TimeoutError("DUMMY TIMEOUT ERROR") else: if delay > cast(float, timeout): raise TimeoutError("DUMMY TIMEOUT ERROR") if NETWORK_ALWAYS_ERROR: raise ServerError(69, "NETWORK_ALWAYS_ERROR enabled") # Deal with datetime parameters (convert to milliseconds since 1970) for k, v in params.items(): if isinstance(v, datetime): params[k] = int(v.timestamp() * 1000) if self._is_mock:"Using mock data") result = self._get_mock_data() else: if url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("https://"): result = requests.get( url, params=params, verify=self.verify_cert, timeout=timeout, ) else: # if user creates a serverconf address w/o protocol, we'll # attempt to fix it and store it in hostname # TODO (#305) #hostname currently preprends https:// if # protocol isn't defined this might be able to be taken out try:"Hostname: %r has no protocol", self.hostname) result = requests.get( "https://" + url, params=params, verify=self.verify_cert, timeout=timeout, ) self.hostname = "https://" + url.split("/")[0] except Exception: result = requests.get( "http://" + url, params=params, verify=self.verify_cert, timeout=timeout, ) self.hostname = "http://" + url.split("/")[0] if result.status_code != 200: raise ServerError( result.status_code, f"{url} returned status={result.status_code}." ) # Any time that a server request succeeds, then we win. # typing doesn't support multiprocessing.Value very well self._server_available.value = True # type: ignore self._last_ping_timestamp.value = # type: ignore except Exception: logging.exception(f"[FAIL] get: {url} failed") # typing doesn't support multiprocessing.Value very well self._server_available.value = False # type: ignore self._last_ping_timestamp.value = # type: ignore if not is_exponential_backoff_ping: self._exponential_backoff(5) raise"[FINISH] get: {url}") return result def _get_json( self, url: str, timeout: Union[float, Tuple[float, float], None] = None, is_exponential_backoff_ping: bool = False, **params: Union[None, str, datetime, int, Sequence[int], Sequence[str]], ) -> Response: """ Make a get request to a *Sonic REST API. Handle all types of errors including *Sonic ``<error>`` responses. :returns: a dictionary of the subsonic response. :raises Exception: needs some work """ result = self._get( url, timeout=timeout, is_exponential_backoff_ping=is_exponential_backoff_ping, **params, ) subsonic_response = result.json().get("subsonic-response") if not subsonic_response: raise ServerError(500, f"{url} returned invalid JSON.") if subsonic_response["status"] != "ok": raise ServerError( subsonic_response["error"].get("code"), subsonic_response["error"].get("message"), ) # typing doesn't support multiprocessing.Value very well self._version.value = subsonic_response["version"].encode() # type: ignore logging.debug(f"Response from {url}: {subsonic_response}") return Response.from_dict(subsonic_response) # Helper Methods for Testing _get_mock_data: Any = None _is_mock: bool = False def _set_mock_data(self, data: Any): class MockResult: status_code = 200 def __init__(self, content: Any): self._content = content def content(self) -> Any: return self._content def json(self) -> Any: return json.loads(self._content) def get_mock_data() -> Any: if type(data) == Exception: raise data if hasattr(data, "__next__"): if d := next(data):"MOCK DATA: %s", d) return MockResult(d)"MOCK DATA: %s", data) return MockResult(data) self._get_mock_data = get_mock_data # Data Retrieval Methods # ==================================================================================
[docs] def get_playlists(self) -> Sequence[API.Playlist]: if playlists := self._get_json(self._make_url("getPlaylists")).playlists: return sorted(playlists.playlist, key=lambda p: return []
[docs] def get_playlist_details(self, playlist_id: str) -> API.Playlist: result = self._get_json(self._make_url("getPlaylist"), id=playlist_id).playlist assert result, f"Error getting playlist {playlist_id}" return result
[docs] def create_playlist( self, name: str, songs: Sequence[API.Song] | None = None ) -> Optional[API.Playlist]: return self._get_json( self._make_url("createPlaylist"), name=name, songId=[ for s in songs or []], ).playlist
[docs] def update_playlist( self, playlist_id: str, name: str | None = None, comment: str | None = None, public: bool | None = None, song_ids: Sequence[str] | None = None, append_song_ids: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> API.Playlist: if any(x is not None for x in (name, comment, public, append_song_ids)): self._get_json( self._make_url("updatePlaylist"), playlistId=playlist_id, name=name, comment=comment, public=public, songIdToAdd=append_song_ids, ) playlist = None if song_ids is not None: playlist = self._get_json( self._make_url("createPlaylist"), playlistId=playlist_id, songId=song_ids, ).playlist # If the call to createPlaylist to update the song IDs returned the playlist, # return it. return playlist or self.get_playlist_details(playlist_id)
[docs] def delete_playlist(self, playlist_id: str): self._get_json(self._make_url("deletePlaylist"), id=playlist_id)
[docs] def get_cover_art_uri(self, cover_art: str, scheme: str, size: int) -> str: # Some servers return a full URL instead of an ID if cover_art.startswith("http://") or cover_art.startswith("https://"): return cover_art params = {"id": cover_art, "size": size, **self._get_params()} return self._make_url("getCoverArt") + "?" + urlencode(params)
[docs] def get_song_file_uri(self, song_id: str, schemes: Iterable[str]) -> str: assert any(s in schemes for s in self.supported_schemes) params = {"id": song_id, **self._get_params()} return self._make_url("download") + "?" + urlencode(params)
[docs] def get_song_stream_uri(self, song_id: str) -> str: params = {"id": song_id, **self._get_params()} return self._make_url("stream") + "?" + urlencode(params)
[docs] def get_song_details(self, song_id: str) -> API.Song: song = self._get_json(self._make_url("getSong"), id=song_id).song assert song, f"Error getting song {song_id}" return song
[docs] def scrobble_song(self, song: API.Song): self._get(self._make_url("scrobble"),
[docs] def get_artists(self) -> Sequence[API.Artist]: if artist_index := self._get_json(self._make_url("getArtists")).artists: with open(self.ignored_articles_cache_file, "wb+") as f: pickle.dump(artist_index.ignored_articles, f) artists = [] for index in artist_index.index: artists.extend(index.artist) return cast(Sequence[API.Artist], artists) return []
[docs] def get_artist(self, artist_id: str) -> API.Artist: artist = self._get_json(self._make_url("getArtist"), id=artist_id).artist assert artist, f"Error getting artist {artist_id}" if self.version_at_least("1.11.0"): try: artist_info = self._get_json(self._make_url("getArtistInfo2"), id=artist_id) artist.augment_with_artist_info(artist_info.artist_info) except Exception: pass return artist
[docs] def get_ignored_articles(self) -> Set[str]: ignored_articles = "The El La Los Las Le Les" try: # If we already got the ignored articles from the get_artists, do that here. with open(self.ignored_articles_cache_file, "rb+") as f: if ia := pickle.load(f): ignored_articles = ia except Exception: try: # Whatever the exception, fall back on getting from the server. if artists := self._get_json(self._make_url("getArtists")).artists: if ia := artists.ignored_articles: ignored_articles = ia except Exception: # Use the default ignored articles. pass return set(ignored_articles.split())
[docs] def get_albums( self, query: AlbumSearchQuery, sort_direction: str = "ascending" ) -> Sequence[API.Album]: type_ = { AlbumSearchQuery.Type.RANDOM: "random", AlbumSearchQuery.Type.NEWEST: "newest", AlbumSearchQuery.Type.FREQUENT: "frequent", AlbumSearchQuery.Type.RECENT: "recent", AlbumSearchQuery.Type.STARRED: "starred", AlbumSearchQuery.Type.ALPHABETICAL_BY_NAME: "alphabeticalByName", AlbumSearchQuery.Type.ALPHABETICAL_BY_ARTIST: "alphabeticalByArtist", AlbumSearchQuery.Type.YEAR_RANGE: "byYear", AlbumSearchQuery.Type.GENRE: "byGenre", }[query.type] extra_args: Dict[str, Any] = {} if query.type == AlbumSearchQuery.Type.YEAR_RANGE: extra_args = { "fromYear": query.year_range[0], "toYear": query.year_range[1], } elif query.type == AlbumSearchQuery.Type.GENRE: extra_args = {"genre":} albums: List[API.Album] = [] page_size = 50 if query.type == AlbumSearchQuery.Type.RANDOM else 500 offset = 0 def get_page(offset: int) -> Sequence[API.Album]: album_list = self._get_json( self._make_url("getAlbumList2"), type=type_, size=page_size, offset=offset, **extra_args, ).albums return album_list.album if album_list else [] # Get all pages. while len(next_page := get_page(offset)) > 0: albums.extend(next_page) if query.type == AlbumSearchQuery.Type.RANDOM: break offset += page_size return albums
[docs] def get_album(self, album_id: str) -> API.Album: album = self._get_json(self._make_url("getAlbum"), id=album_id).album assert album, f"Error getting album {album_id}" return album
def _get_indexes(self) -> API.Directory: indexes = self._get_json(self._make_url("getIndexes")).indexes assert indexes, "Error getting indexes" with open(self.ignored_articles_cache_file, "wb+") as f: pickle.dump(indexes.ignored_articles, f) root_dir_items: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for index in indexes.index: root_dir_items.extend({**x, "isDir": True} for x in index.artist) return Directory(id="root", _children=root_dir_items)
[docs] def get_directory(self, directory_id: str) -> API.Directory: if directory_id == "root": return self._get_indexes() # TODO (#187) make sure to filter out all non-song files directory = self._get_json(self._make_url("getMusicDirectory"), id=directory_id).directory assert directory, f"Error getting directory {directory_id}" return directory
[docs] def get_genres(self) -> Sequence[API.Genre]: if genres := self._get_json(self._make_url("getGenres")).genres: return genres.genre return []
[docs] def get_play_queue(self) -> Optional[API.PlayQueue]: return self._get_json(self._make_url("getPlayQueue")).play_queue
[docs] def set_song_rating(self, song_id: str, rating: int | None): self._get_json( self._make_url("setRating"), id=song_id, rating=rating if rating is not None else 0 )
[docs] def save_play_queue( self, song_ids: Sequence[str], current_song_index: int | None = None, position: timedelta | None = None, ): # TODO (sonic-extensions-api/specification#1) make an extension that allows you # to save the play queue position by index instead of id. self._get( self._make_url("savePlayQueue"), id=song_ids, timeout=2, current=song_ids[current_song_index] if current_song_index is not None else None, position=math.floor(position.total_seconds() * 1000) if position else None, )
[docs] def search(self, query: str) -> API.SearchResult: result = self._get_json(self._make_url("search3"), query=query).search_result if not result: return API.SearchResult(query) search_result = API.SearchResult(query) search_result.add_results("albums", result.album) search_result.add_results("artists", result.artist) search_result.add_results("songs", return search_result