Source code for sublime_music.adapters.api_objects

Defines the objects that are returned by adapter methods.
import abc
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from typing import (

from thefuzz import fuzz

[docs]class Genre(abc.ABC): name: str song_count: Optional[int] album_count: Optional[int]
[docs]class Album(abc.ABC): """ The ``id`` field is optional, because there are some situations where an adapter (such as Subsonic) sends an album name, but not an album ID. """ name: str id: Optional[str] artist: Optional["Artist"] cover_art: Optional[str] created: Optional[datetime] duration: Optional[timedelta] genre: Optional[Genre] play_count: Optional[int] song_count: Optional[int] songs: Optional[Sequence["Song"]] starred: Optional[datetime] year: Optional[int]
[docs]class Artist(abc.ABC): """ The ``id`` field is optional, because there are some situations where an adapter (such as Subsonic) sends an artist name, but not an artist ID. This especially happens when there are multiple artists. """ name: str id: Optional[str] album_count: Optional[int] artist_image_url: Optional[str] starred: Optional[datetime] albums: Optional[Sequence[Album]] similar_artists: Optional[Sequence["Artist"]] = None biography: Optional[str] = None music_brainz_id: Optional[str] = None last_fm_url: Optional[str] = None
[docs]class Directory(abc.ABC): """ The special directory with ``name`` and ``id`` should be used to indicate the top-level directory. """ id: str name: Optional[str] parent_id: Optional[str] children: Sequence[Union["Directory", "Song"]]
[docs]class Song(abc.ABC): id: str title: str path: Optional[str] parent_id: Optional[str] duration: Optional[timedelta] album: Optional[Album] artist: Optional[Artist] genre: Optional[Genre] track: Optional[int] disc_number: Optional[int] year: Optional[int] cover_art: Optional[str] size: Optional[int] user_rating: Optional[int] starred: Optional[datetime]
[docs]class Playlist(abc.ABC): id: str name: str song_count: Optional[int] duration: Optional[timedelta] songs: Sequence[Song] created: Optional[datetime] changed: Optional[datetime] comment: Optional[str] owner: Optional[str] public: Optional[bool] cover_art: Optional[str]
[docs]class PlayQueue(abc.ABC): songs: Sequence[Song] position: timedelta username: Optional[str] changed: Optional[datetime] changed_by: Optional[str] value: Optional[str] current_index: Optional[int]
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=8192) def similarity_ratio(query: str, string: str) -> int: """ Return the :class:`thefuzz.fuzz.partial_ratio` between the ``query`` and the given ``string``. This ends up being called quite a lot, so the result is cached in an LRU cache using :class:`functools.lru_cache`. :param query: the query string :param string: the string to compare to the query string """ return fuzz.partial_ratio(query, string)
[docs]class SearchResult: """ An object representing the aggregate results of a search which can include both server and local results. """
[docs] def __init__(self, query: Optional[str] = None): self.query = query self.similiarity_partial = partial( similarity_ratio, self.query.lower() if self.query else "" ) self._artists: Dict[str, Artist] = {} self._albums: Dict[str, Album] = {} self._songs: Dict[str, Song] = {} self._playlists: Dict[str, Playlist] = {}
def __repr__(self) -> str: fields = ("query", "_artists", "_albums", "_songs", "_playlists") formatted_fields = (f"{f}={getattr(self, f)}" for f in fields) return f"<SearchResult {' '.join(formatted_fields)}>"
[docs] def add_results(self, result_type: str, results: Iterable): """Adds the ``results`` to the ``_result_type`` set.""" if results is None: return member = f"_{result_type}" cast(Dict[str, Any], getattr(self, member)).update({ r for r in results})
[docs] def update(self, other: "SearchResult"): assert self.query == other.query self._artists.update(other._artists) self._albums.update(other._albums) self._songs.update(other._songs) self._playlists.update(other._playlists)
_S = TypeVar("_S") def _to_result( self, it: Dict[str, _S], transform: Callable[[_S], Tuple[Optional[str], ...]], ) -> List[_S]: assert self.query all_results = [] for value in it.values(): transformed = transform(value) if any(t is None for t in transformed): continue max_similarity = max( self.similiarity_partial(t.lower()) for t in transformed if t is not None ) if max_similarity < 60: continue all_results.append((max_similarity, value)) all_results.sort(key=lambda rx: rx[0], reverse=True) result: List[SearchResult._S] = [] for ratio, x in all_results: if ratio >= 60 and len(result) < 20: result.append(x) else: # No use going on, all the rest are less. break logging.debug(similarity_ratio.cache_info()) return result @property def artists(self) -> List[Artist]: return self._to_result(self._artists, lambda a: (,)) def _try_get_artist_name(self, obj: Union[Album, Song]) -> Optional[str]: try: assert obj.artist return except Exception: return None @property def albums(self) -> List[Album]: return self._to_result(self._albums, lambda a: (, self._try_get_artist_name(a))) @property def songs(self) -> List[Song]: return self._to_result(self._songs, lambda s: (s.title, self._try_get_artist_name(s))) @property def playlists(self) -> List[Playlist]: return self._to_result(self._playlists, lambda p: (,))